
05/05/2011, 12:59
Filed under: India

on arrival there is a little mismatching goin on outside: everybody is off the bus  and a crowd around the baggages has formed. not sure if we have arrived in udaipur as communication is difficult for some reason. everybody apart from the oldies are still on the bus. so we decide to get off,, get our stuff,, ignore the crowd arguments and cycle towards udaipur centre.

we text pauline saying  ‘‘dont worry man we coming”  and an hour later, round sunset catch her chilling by the road side. wonderfull. delightful. we spend the evening catching up,, she offers us some  french chocolate and we melt away with sensations.

Udaipur is a  little like a small indian Paris in a way,, in the way its pretty . romantic. and has indian couples in love walking around sitting on roof tops watching over the lake and the palaces. every nite some place shows the octopussy james bond movie. so we got together with our new crew and checked out the main man  Roger moore. the next day we checked out these famous palaces from Mr bonds adventures. the boat with the ladies island thing from the film is still in the middle of the bloody lake!  there are also water buffalos in the same lake , and so are some locals washing clothes and themselves too. sunset point has camels and indian tourists, they gather around and watch the sunset and hold hands. CUTE. they then put on an orange lifejacket and take a boat ride to the middle of the lake where there is the royalship high class palace,, the one where mr bond has martini and checks out the swimming pool candy. the boat does not stop off at the palace and just circles it and comes back: actually not many people can go to the palace. its very high class,, something rediculous like 1000 dollars for lunch, comes with swiming pool too. also you have to be invited. the rootz werent invited unfortunately so together with pauline they cycled towards the tiger lake instead. Po hired a hercules one speed bike for the day. we rode ride through the surrounding villages; along bendy small roads. Rajistan is very colourful,, and the womanz carry buckets of water on their heads like no mans business. heavy heavy loads. at the lake we didnt spot any crocs there as apparently there is two little ones. some indians were diving in, so muz joined them while Am and Po got chatted up by the beautiful gypsies Kids.

we just hung out here in udaipur,, was a bit touristy but still low season. went to check out some dance at the cultural centre,, and there we filled up our drinking water everyday as it was free. drank juice at G2 juice joint, walked bare feet in the temple and didnt do much else.

we stayed with some fella named G2, a real Geezer.A bit like moma, he wanted to cook  us food every nite, but we always did a runner as he was pretty pricey. And we found a real gud, real cheap tahli joint in town. At G2 place we make friends with Rita robbie and a couple on motorbike from Bristol. pauline cracks up her french wine together with her smelly cheese and suddenly she is everybodys best friend. Robie plays ‘hey joe’ on the guitar with a solo on his harmonicia too. he shoots down his lady pretty Gud, amazing actually/ so muz finds a guitar buddy to chill with while the girls do the girlie that monday afternoon. w also bump into Alex the portagesse fella from gokarna beach. small place.

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Quelle belle ville! On dit que c’est la ville la plus romantique de l’Inde. Une des plus touristique en tout cas, ça, c’est sûr!

On retrouve enfin Pauline!!!! Ça fait trop plaisir! Elle nous attend sur la place de la photo au dessus avec le temple et les oiseaux, comme si elle avait toujours habité là. Heureuses retrouvailles.

Mais on est pas en forme, on est vraiment fatigués du voyage et on dort beaucoup! Et Pauline elle, arrive tout droit de Babylone, alors il lui faut du temps pour se poser… On s’ajuste et on s’adapte, quoi.

On se la coule douce en tout cas. On se ballade dans les rues super touristiques près de la guest house, et beaucoup moins touristiques un peu plus loin dans les rues du bazar. On a trouvé un petit “thali place” un resto à thali, trop bon et trop pas cher, un vrai resto indien, pas un truc à touristes…

On part deux journées en ballade à vélo et ça nous fait un bien fou, ça nous ressource! On part voir un lac artificiel avec son barrage où Muz se fait des copains de plongeons pendant que Pauline et Amélie font connaissance avec les gamines et gamins du coin. Et on fait aussi le tour du lac à vélo, on y rencontre gens, vaches et singes.. On regarde James Bond, Octopussy, puisque c’est la ville où ça a été tourné et ils le montrent dans toutes les guesthouses de la ville.. On va aussi voir un petit spectacle de danse et culture indiennes, assez impressionnant.

Puis il est temps de prendre un train pour Bombay pour aller cette fois chercher le copain de Pauline, Assaf.

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